Thursday, June 7, 2012

12 Weeks to a New ME!

        So, as a woman I wear many hats, or have many titles. I cook. I clean. I study. I provide solace for my husband when he needs to study. I am a chauffeur. I am a referee. I am a crafter. I am a tutor. I am also a student. I am a friend. I am a wife. I........AM TIRED! =) but I press on.
       This year, 2012, I turned 29 years old. If I think back to all the things I planned to have accomplished by now... I would say that I haven't fulfilled certain important goals, BUT I have however achieved A LOT of things that I would have never dreamed of. I decided to make 29 my best year yet. I thought that I should have a 30 before 30 list, I started it, but didn't finish writing it. However, I did come up with some awesome goals. I also decided to accept myself. I think that most women never see themselves as perfect, and that's ok. Perfect can be boring. But women need to accept themselves and LOVE themselves the way that they are at any moment, good or bad. I am willing to admit that I had not done that. So, with my imperfect self I said, "I will not look back at what I once was.  I will love myself today, accept myself today, and look FORWARD to who I can become." I can honestly say that it was a life changing moment.
        Like most women, I struggle with body image. I know there are a lot of reasons women do, I'm not to sure why I do, but I do. At the same time I was accepting myself, I threw out all my "skinny/pre-baby" clothes. I went out and bought some jeans that fit me as I was. Even though I was at my highest post-pregnancy weight, (this actually sounds sill as I type it, because my "baby" at the time was already 2!) I told myself that I would be happy with where I was and accept my body the way it was.  This is tough for a woman!  I told myself (I am learning I talk to myself a lot) that if I lost weight/ got in shape that it would be great, but if I stayed the same I would be happy with myself.  That was the start to a new beginning and I had no idea.
     and then came JAMIE EASON =) 
     A good friend of mine posted a link on her Facebook page about a training program that she was doing. The program was written my a fitness competitor/model Jamie Eason. I had never heard of her before, but I thought I would look into it. Just upon doing the research, my mind was racing. So many thoughts about fitness, weight lifting, and nutrition that I had never considered. Everything made sense to me. The first thing that astounded me, and yes I was astounded, was the idea of clean eating. The fact that all the food that I ate had additives, chemicals, and preservatives were actually hindering me from having better fitness results never occurred to me. It made sense though. And so we started eating clean. Another idea Jamie pushed was loving your body. Everyone has different bodies and will lean out differently. Starving yourself isn't loving your body. Feeding your body harmful chemicals isn't loving your body. One thing she stressed was lifting heavy and because I thought I had such a good idea about fitness,  I already knew what that meant!(not really)
     So, Jamie Eason's Live Fit trainer became my guide. This fitness program is changing my mind, shape, and life. I am currently on week 9. I am taking a bit longer than expected. I had final exams and all sorts of life hiccups throughout, but I keep pressing on. Here's a link for the Live Fit Trainer in case you're interested.  I'm sure I'll be back later this week. I have so much I'd love to share.

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